Monday, October 13, 2008

kareoke at Kings Lounge

So last weekend, some friends and I wen't to a lounge called Kings in downtown Boston. We had sooo much fun. It was kareoke you know I was up there singing...had backup singers and everything! We sounded bad...but it's all good!

Doesn't my hair look cute in this pic?? (yes) I know!!!


Laquita said...

Actually your hair does look cute in that pic :o)

lovelylocks said...

lol thanx

KLOE YORK said...
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KLOE YORK said...

y'all didn't sound bad... just my bro

lovelylocks said...

lol...he didn't sing, all he'd say is the "one time, one time" part

Anonymous said...

Your hair is really pretty. I'm waiting on mine to gain some length. It did fairly well inthe first two months, it sprouted out of no where. It is started to shrink know so i'm guessing that my hair is about to lock:)